Thursday, June 18, 2009

To Sacrifice On the Strength of a Commitment

Agreeing with Nelia in her post called: The Sacrifice Myth that a relationship between two people should be an “exchange of value”. I’m sure many go into it with that preconceived notion at least. However, many are often left feeling like it was more of a sacrifice in end as a result. I particularly like the way the definition of sacrifice is defined. “A sacrifice is the decision to give up something in return for something of lower value.” This sums it up in one sentence. This is how many are often left feeling when relations end in a disarray.

Yes, one should value what the other brings to the relationship. By all means the best way to show appreciation for ones worth is by reciprocating. But, you see this is where it gets a little tricky…. It appears that there is an assortment of us that are either wired differently or perhaps got the wrong memo. There are so many failed relationships due to the fact that someone in the magnificent duo forgot to value the others worth.

Even when that happens we continue to “add to the picnic” (as Nelia cleverly put it) with the hopes that things will change and get better. This often leaves us anticipating that our partner “will bring something to the picnic that we will finally enjoy” in other words changes for the better or evolve into relationship material.

So here are a few questions to ponder on:

When you love someone should you just give up after constantly coming up short at the picnic? Should one keep bringing the goods for the sake of sacrifice and the commitment to the relationship? Should one keep doing and hope the other will learn by example and eventually catch on? Should one just cut their losses and find a new picnic partner? Now, if one does that then does one run the risk of possible negative relationship patterns like mentioned in the above post. The risk of ending up with someone from that assortment of us that are either wired differently or perhaps got the wrong memo.


  1. In my opinion, if you believe in sacrifice, by all means, continue! But if you don't, then assess and adjust accordingly. If the investment is no longer worth the return, it's time to pack up and take home your basket!

    Thanks, Karine, for sharing your thoughts!

  2. Thanks Nelia, I see your point. It definitely sounds like the wisest thing to do. If only the heart would just concur with it all.

  3. I definitely agree with the "heart concurring" comment Karine. Nobody wants to get hurt so sacrifice ends up feeling like a big risk with the possibility of no reward.

  4. So I guess it's safe to say that it is best to save the sacrifices for those we deem as worthy of such a feat. It’s just one of the many risks that love makes you take.

  5. Yeah. That "heart concurring" comment is insightful. But emotions are a conscious investment as well and, in my opinion, should be treated as such.


I would love to hear your take on SHE Versus HE.