Tuesday, August 11, 2009

My Spin On "The Ugly Truth"

I finally saw "The Ugly Truth". I really enjoyed this romantic comedy because, like this blog it explores relationships and the different ways men and women see things. I know some people feel romantic comedies are often not a good reflection of real life relationships. (Some men absolutely detest them…lol!) Nonetheless, I honestly think Hollywood is getting better at removing some of the perfection and happily ever after fluff and replacing it with true portrayals of real relationship issues that couples face every day.

After watching the movie I left pondering on these thoughts: He/She needs to be who they really are in the beginning of a relationship. Don’t try and become this character or facade in order to get him/her. If one enters a relationship pretending to be something they are not then, most likely one will spend most of their time feeling like they not only cheated themselves but their mate as well. With time, one will not be happy being the person they've become. As the real them begins to seep out, he/she will be left dissatisfied with the real you. When it comes to matters of the heart one should be truthful with their partners about what they want and their expectations in the begining. Surprisingly one may just end up with someone who actually likes them for who they truly are. So that's my spin on "the Ugly Truth" without any spoilers ;-)


  1. That is so true, most time when people are dating, they put on their best performances but you only really get to know your partner when you are actually living with them.

  2. True, and even then there are surprises, lol!

  3. This looks like a movie my wife would be into, but thankfully I don't think she knows about it. I don't know. These so-called "chick flicks" (and I have been forced to watch a few in my day) are always so predictable.

    While I do agree with you that we should be ourselves, I think that's close to impossible because people want to impress people so they always try to hide their flaws that make them real. Especially in the beginning stages of a relationship.

  4. it's a nice movie to reflect on our real life dating experience. It can be an eye opener for us.

    ~~ True love of Philippine women ~~

  5. Romantic Comedies often leave you feeling like as long as you have love you can do anything.


I would love to hear your take on SHE Versus HE.