Thursday, May 28, 2009

Karma’s Heartbreak Boomerang

A close friend of mine has been dating this guy who had (commitment issues) for as long as I have known her. She has pretty much stood by his side and remained patient out of her love and loyalty to him. She has tolerantly waited for him to get over his dedication and commitment phobias, only for him to inform her that he just got married to some random woman he just met. (jaw dropped…heart crushing...trying to pick oneself up off the floor shocker)

Perhaps my friend was not the one for him right? Well, if she was not the woman for him then why did he just not move on with his new life? Why is he currently refusing to be happy with the new “Wifey”? Instead, he is constantly attempting to contact and spend his time thinking of my friend (the woman he knows within his own heart he should have married).

I truly do not understand why human beings do these types of thing to one another. Why do men/women choose to string each other along if they are not sure what they want out of a partner or a relationship? Just because one can’t make up their mind should the other suffer? No matter how much you try you cannot have your cake and eat it too, at least not for long anyway. If we choose to continue to take the selfish route in our relationships, karma’s heartbreak boomerang will surely cross our paths with a vengeance. So before you go disregarding someone’s heart remember the feelings you spare may be your own.

If you have an opinion or if you can share your perspective and provide further insight as to why this happens please feel free to enlighten and share.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

What A Guy Is Really Saying

O.k...Perhaps that's not all that guys think about or is really saying. Quite close maybe?

Friday, March 13, 2009

Scales and Balances of the Heart

I was having a casual debate about relationships with a friend of the opposite sex. We had a host of exchanges bouncing back and forth. You see, when it comes to relationships you rarely find a shared consensus when males and females point of views are involved. We could not agree on much of anything. Who wants to give in to the other side? He actually had the bravado to go on and say that "When it comes to a relationship between two people, there is always one person who loves more than the other." I immediately disagreed and replied with such assurance to his comment because; I did not want to believe that such a thing could even be remotely true. "When one truly cares for someone it should be sincere" I said "When it comes to relationships everything should be 50/50 right?........Love is love correct, or is it truly a constant game that ones not sure they really ever wanted to play in the first place?".............

Well, I will have to reluctantly admit that some years later after experiencing and witnessing the trials and tribulations of relationship matters both mine and others around me, that he was indeed correct. I now admit my observations with additional findings.... Yes, he was correct but, that unbalanced scale of lust, love or whatever one chooses to call it, can shift in the course of a relationship at any given time. So when one thinks that they are more at the receiving and advantageous end of the Relationship Scale beware, because overnight in the bat of an eyelash, one might find themselves at the less appealing end of the relationship measuring stick. One might find themselves reluctantly on the the least lucrative side of the emotional scale.

So word to the wise. Don't get too comfortable with putting minimal effort and think that ones partner is going to always go above and beyond for ones love and attention. The moral of this story is: Do unto others as you want done to yourself when it comes to matters of the heart. Karma can come back and give you something that you did not anticipate and send you on an bitter sweet emotional whirlwind.

Any relationship is under the control of the person who cares the most- Gordon Livington

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Finding Out Why He's Just Not That Into You

“He's Just Not That Into You” is perhaps one of best portrayals that I’ve seen in a long time of men and women relationships. This movie kept me engaged from beginning to end. There are several points in various areas of the movie where both men and women can at some point relate to. Even if you think you wouldn’t be interested in this movie or didn’t want to be, I guarantee you surely will be. He's Just Not That Into You has a star packed cast but my favorites were Ginnifer Goodwin and Justin Long. Ginnifer Goodwin (Gigi) does an excellent job portraying that girl who, after tons of mixed messages from a guy becomes the obsessed stalker type girlfriend.

Sasusaku wp by ~RavenxCorpse on deviantART

I truly love this Artist interpretation on the true emotions that exist daily between male and females no matter the age group. A great example of how the emotional balance yet different, some how finds a way to compliment each other.

Artist RavenxCorpse wanted to make a conception in connection with them. She shows the differences between them. Sakura has a nice personality, and she annoys the hell out of Sasuke with her love. On the other hand, Sasuke-kun is an avenger, and he doesn't seem to care about things, except his revenge. The Artist feels they are like day and night, so this idea inspired her to do this piece. She says she loves opposites; Sakura’s side being the cheerful and girlish one, and Sasuke’s side being the darker, and boyish one. In my interpretation of this piece I see a love that is so precious and that many of us often share. Although very different, day & night, positive versus negative, the two have found each others love and manages to make it the most electrifying relationship that some how absolutely works against all odds.....yup I got all that from gazing at this piece.

Emotional Differences

Man and Woman Idea by ~cqueror on deviantART

Note: how the guy has a club where his heart is suppose to be. I guess that means he has his mind on partying, bars, night clubs etc. Anything but a commitment. Whereas, the girl has a heart where a heart should be and her focus is on a true emotional connection, settling down and nothing but a commitment.